
CURE Organization

CURE is an organization that provides shunt surgery to people with Hydrocephalus in developing countries. This is the first organization we will be crocheting hats for. For now, we'll crochet baby hats only. Once we know how quickly we (as a team) can produce the hats, we can decide whether or not to crochet hats for older children and/or adults.

For now, those of us who crochet or knit will donate the hats as individuals. I talked to a woman from CURE this morning, and she said the address on the webpage is the address to mail the hats to. It is:

701 Bosler Avenue
Lemoyne, PA 17043

I am in the process of working with a friend to perfect our logo. After that is done, I will create mailing labels and business cards and send some of each out to each person who is crocheting for us. At that point, while we will continue having each individual mail out the hats they crochet, the donations will be made under the name of A Foundation for Change, instead of the individual. I hope this makes sense. If it doesn't, please feel free to ask for clarification.

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